Scouting Platform
The world’s most influential video database in youth football: video analysis and detailed player profiles.
Talent is everywhere.
Eyeball’s flagship product is our online scouting platform with a video database of over 100,000 youth players. Search for, evaluate and compare the performance of top-talents with efficiency, accuracy, and without the hassle and cost of travel.
Start landing
top talent with Eyeball
Here’s how to use Eyeball to land top talent
Search for players
You have multiple ways to search our platform. Search using criteria like position, age, nationality. Search by clubs. Search with a data-driven approach with 13 statistical parameters, like passes in the final third, take-on’s, shots on target, etc. Or Filter players based on a rating created by the Eyeball algorithm.
Player profiles
Analysed players from our partner clubs have detailed profiles that go beyond a bio and club contacts. Get a summary of key stats compiled by AI and a list of their full matches.
Assessing performance
Watch multiple full games of a player or jump to their in-game highlights.
Assess player performance using Eyeball’s data breakdown.
Here are the key markets where Eyeball operates
Subscriptions are country specific. We also offer package deals for multiple country subscriptions.
To learn more and get a quote based on your countries of interest, get in touch with us.
Country Coverage